English Curriculum
English at Plymouth Grove Primary School
Our Reading Leader is Ms Fielden.
Our Writing Leader is Miss Thompson.
Article 29 of the UNCRC: a child or young person's education should help their mind, body and talents be the best they can be.
Global Goal 4: Quality Education
Plymouth Grove puts reading and writing at the heart of the curriculum. We know that literacy is a key tool for life. Our aim is to deliver a reading and writing curriculum that enables our children to be ready for the next stage of their education at the end of each phase and to be ‘secondary ready’ when they finally leave us at age 11.
Teaching children to become fluent readers is central to what we do at Plymouth Grove. We want all our children to learn to read, and read for pleasure, no matter what barriers they may face. Reading is present within every curriculum subject; displicinary literacy will enable our children to be truly ready for high school.
Our rigorous SSP scheme follows the order of Letters and Sounds, utilising resources from Twinkl Phonics. More details about this will be published on the website soon.
We are currently preparing our English curriculum in line with new and exciting research, including the EEF Improving Literacy documents, The Reading Framework (2021) and the OFSTED English Review (2022). Details of this will be published on the website soon.
Please see our new progression documents below.